Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. He's really old and forgetful. He forgot where he put his glasses. I had to find them. They were on his head! I watch over him.
Know what? A newborn cubby lives with us, too. I found him on the doorstep. He's just a wee little thing and he looks a lot like I did when I was a baby bear. He doesn't have a name, yet. I hope we can keep him. We would make a good family, the three of us. Cubby is fun to play with when he isn't sleeping. Look at us! We're playing Hide & Seek. Cubby hides and I find him. He's not a very good hider. He thinks if he closes his eyes I can't see him. That's silly. I can see him. I have to teach him how to hide. When I find him, I holler, "Who's a handsome bear cub? Who's a Son of Windsor? Who's a Prince of Ontario?" Cubby makes squeaky noises when I tickle his ears and he laughs right out loud.
When James hollers,"Who are my handsome bear cubs? Are you the Sons of Windsor? Are you my Princes of Ontari?" and we both go running so he can tickle our ears and make us laugh!
We're having porridge for breakfast. I like gummy worms in my porridge. Cubby can't eat porridge--yet. He drinks milk out of a bottle. We have to hold him so he can drink. I don't need a bottle cuz I'm five, you know. I drink my milk out of a sippy cup. Know what? Cubby is so tiny he doesn't even have a tail! He will grow one when he's older. I have a tail now, but I don't have thumbs or pockets. Maybe I'll grow them when I'm older.
When we're in a hurry, James says, "Make it snappy, Charles, two shakes of a lamb's tail." I don't know why he says that. Lambs are dumb and they don't have nice tails like bear cubs. I think he should say, "Two shakes of a bear cub's tail." Yeah.
It's my turn to say grace. Here is what I say before we eat. "Dear God, Thank you for all my friends and buddies. Thank you for cubby. God, you're gonna let us keep cubby, aren't you? I need a little brother. God, if cubby can stay with us I'll eat broccolis even if they are nasty but do I have to eat sauerkrauts?
Cubby can't talk yet so I'm gonna thank you for his bottle of condensed owls' milk. Is it okay to put smooshed up Smarties in his milk? How will he drink the red ones last? Thank you for all the good food in the
Canada Food Guide, like porridge and gummy worms. Oh. Wait. Thank you for wallermelons and Smarties and pumpkin pancakes. Oh, thank you for licorice and peanut butter sandwiches, too. Okay, God. My porridge is getting cold. I got to go, now. Amen." Know what? Amen means over and out. That's how God knows I'm done talking. This is me, Charles the Bear Cub. Gotta go!