Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. You know me. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. He's really old. He was the second Canadian to get off Noah's Ark, you know.

Oh. Wait! Chance lives with us, too. He's a newborn cubby someone left in a basket on our doorstep. He's a wee little thing. I look after Chance, too. He's a handful! 

Know what? This is Chance and me and James. It's Thanksgiving Day. James says Thanksgiving comes every year. It's the second Monday in October. We counted down the days to Thanksgiving. We're spending the day with Lulu and Lily.  We came on the train.

We're sitting at the Thanksgiving table. We're hungry. We're as hungry as bears. We're hungry for mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top and vegetables and turkey and gravy.

Before we eat we all take turns  counting our blessings. We say what we're thankful for. I got a lot to be thankful for this year. I'm thankful for Smarties and root beer and licorice and porridge. I'm thankful that we got lots of good food to eat--not like all those poor starving children in Belgium. I'm thankful for all my buddies and friends. I'm thankful that James is our bestest buddy and looks after us. I say, "Thank you, God, for everything!" Know what? God is very nice.

Chance doesn't talk. That's 'cuz he's a newborn cubby. He doesn't have any teeth, yet. He will get teeth when he's older. He doesn't even have a tail! I have a tail. I'm waiting to grow pockets. When I have pockets I'll keep Smarties in there. Chance is thankful for condensed owls' milk. He holds up his bottle and makes little squeaky noises. When he does that, it means he's happy.

We're not supposed to eat too much, you know. It's bad for our tummies and can make us sick. I know when to stop eating. James says, "Don't feed the bears, they're stuffed!" That's funny. It's true, too. We're really stuffed. I want to nap.

Oh. Wait! Did you hear that? James is hollering, "Where are my handsome bear cubs? Where are my Sons of Windsor? Where are my Princes of Ontario? That's me! Charles! That's Chance! We're handsome bear cubs. We're Sons of Windsor and Princes of Ontario! We gotta go find James so we can get our ears tickled and our noses kissed. 

This is me, Charles the Bear Cub saying, "Be good citizens. Count your Thanksgiving blessings. Then you can eat Smarties and drink root beer with your turkey and pumpkin pie. Oh! Wait! Come over to our house and eat with us! We can be thankful together! Okay! Over and out!"

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