Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Trip to Toronto

Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. You know me. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. He's really old. He was the second Canadian to get off Noah's Ark, you know.

 Oh. Wait! Chance lives with us, too. He's a newborn cubby someone left in a basket on our doorstep. He's a wee little thing. I look after Chance, too. He's a handful! 

Know what? We're going to T.O. We have to get ready. We put things we will need in our suitcase. There are diapers for Chance and condensed owls' milk, too. I put my Cat-in-the-Hat sox in the suitcase.

Toronto is pretty far from our house. It takes a long time to get there. That's because O Canada is very big. Oh! I got an idea! One time James washed my favourite sweater in hot water and it shrank so much it only fit Chance. We could wash O Canada in the Inglis and then it would be smaller and then it wouldn't take so long to go places!

We go to Toronto on the train. I l-o-v-e VIA Rail. We use our best manners and we talk with our inside voices. There are lots of things to do on the train. We get to drink chocolate milk that the nice person has on the cart. I know where chocolate milk comes from. It comes from brown cows. Know what? Whole milk comes from whole cows. We play games on the train. We play  Snakes and Ladders. That's my favouritest game of all.

Oh! Look! Look at Chance! He climbed inside of a paper bag. I know what that means. It means he wants a bottle of warm, condensed owls' milk and then he will take a nap. Chance takes lots of naps. James says it's 'cuz he's just a wee little cubby and napping is good for him. Naps help make bear cubs bigger and stronger and healthier, too!

We get to eat a meal on the train. The food is yummy and yummy is one of the four food groups in the Canada Food Guide.

I will tell you more about our trip to Toronto the next time we blog. I'm sleepy and I need a nap.

Oh. Wait! Did you hear that? James is hollering, "Where are my handsome bear cubs? Where are my Sons of Windsor? Where are my Princes of Ontario? That's me! Charles! That's Chance! We're handsome bear cubs. We're Sons of Windsor and Princes of Ontario! We gotta go find James so we can get our ears tickled and our noses kissed. 

This is me, Charles the Bear Cub saying, "Be good citizens. Be kind to your friends and neighbours. Do good deeds.  Then you can eat Smarties and drink root beer. Oh! Wait! Come over to our house. We can go to Toronto together. We can ride on VIA Rail all day Okay! Over and out!"

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