Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. You know me. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. He's really old. He was the second Canadian to get off Noah's Ark, you know.
Oh. Wait! Chance lives with us, too. He's a newborn cubby someone left in a basket on our doorstep. He's a wee little thing. I look after Chance, too. He's a handful!
Know what? We're at Westside Foods. It's the grocery store by our house. I l-o-v-e our grocery store. We buy food here. Ravan is the owner. He's really nice. He always says 'Hello' when we come in the store.
There are lots of farms all over Essex County. The people who live on farms are called farmers, you know. Farmers grow food. They bring their fresh food to the store.''Know what? Farmers around here grow wallermelons. I l-o-v-e wallermelons, don't you? I could eat wallermelons all day long. They're as yummy as Smarties and licorices.
Yummy is one of the four food groups in the Canada Food Guide. The other food groups are sticky, sweet and nasty. I have brocollis and sauerkrauts. They're nasty. I don't want to eat them at all. I hold my nose and take two bites so I can be a good example for Chance. One day he will have teeth and he won't drink condensed owls' milk out of a bottle anymore.
Oh. Wait! Did you hear that? James is hollering, "Where are my handsome bear cubs? Where are my Sons of Windsor? Where are my Princes of Ontario? That's me! Charles! That's Chance! We're handsome bear cubs. We're Sons of Windsor and Princes of Ontario! We gotta go find James so we can get our ears tickled and our noses kissed.
This is me, Charles the Bear Cub saying, "Be good citizens. Help with the grocery shopping. Then you can eat Smarties and drink root beer. Oh! Wait! Come over to our house and play with us! We can go grocery shopping together! Okay! Over and out!"