Friday, February 4, 2011

Bears in Chairs at the Windsor Public Library

Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. You know me. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. He's really old. He was the second Canadian to get off Noah's Ark, you know.

Oh. Wait! Chance lives with us, too. He's a newborn cubby someone left in a basket on our doorstep. He's a wee little thing. I look after Chance, too. Is he ever a handful! He takes off his diaper and climbs way up high on things. Then he can't get down. He's afraid and then he makes little squawky noises. I say, "My son! Come down from there this instant!" Then I have to help him.

Know what? Chance and me are at the Windsor Public Library. They got new chairs. Chairs for bears. The chairs and comfy. They're a whole bunch of different colours, too. We like to sit on the comfy new  chairs. We can sit up. We can sit down. We can sit back. We can sit tight. We can sit quiet. There are lots of ways to sit, you know. I'll be glad when I'm old and I can just sit around!

I read to Chance. I'm five. I can read. Miss Jackie taught me. She's my teacher at the Scruffy Maple Day Care Centre. I like to read books. My favouritest book at the library is Alligator Pie. It's a book by Dennis Lee. He writes poems. Dennis wrote Alligator Pie. It's a fun book and a fun poem, too. When I read it, it makes Chance happy. He makes little squeaky noises when he's happy.

 Alligator pie, alligator pie,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die.

Give away the green grass, give away the sky,
But don't give away my alligator pie.

Alligator stew, alligator stew,
If I don't get some I don't know what I'll do.
Give away my furry hat, give away my shoe,
But don't give away my alligator stew.

Alligator soup, alligator soup,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna droop.
Give away my hockey stick, give away my hoop,
But don't give away my alligator soup. THE END. 
I always say 'the end' so Chance knows I'm finished reading. Then he really makes lots of little squeaky noises 'cuz he wants me to start over and read it again. I can make squeaky noises, you know. James says when I was a wee little newborn cubby I made lots of squeaky noises. We make squeaky noises at each other and wiggle our noses until we laugh right out loud.
Did you hear that? James is hollering, "Where are my handsome bear cubs? Where are my Sons of Windsor? Where are my Princes of Ontario? That's me! Charles! That's Chance! We're handsome bear cubs. We're Sons of Windsor and Princes of Ontario! We gotta go find James so we can get our ears tickled and our noses kissed. 
This is me, Charles the Bear Cub saying, "Be good citizens. Come to the Windsor Public Library and sit on the comfy new chairs with us. I can read Alligator Pie to you and we can all make happy, squeaky noises together! Okay! Over and out!"

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