Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Fun on Sunny Days

Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. You know me. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. He's really old. He was the second Canadian to get off Noah's Ark, you know. He says he's as old as Saran Wrap. That must be really old, at least 20!

Oh. Wait! Chance lives with us, too. He's a newborn cubby someone left in a basket on our doorstep. He's a wee little thing. I look after Chance, too. He's a handful!

Know what? We climbed up on the bicycle rack. We can see everything from here! James say we're hangin' around. That's funny.  It feels like summer outside. It's really hot. The thermometer says it's 32C. That's pretty hot for spring, you know. We helped James wash the white patio chairs. They're nice and clean, now. We got all wet and splashed in the water. Washing things outdoors is fun.

Now we're playing Hide & Seek. Chance thinks I can't see him 'cuz he's turned around and has his back to the glass door. That's silly. I can see him as plain as day.   He's a wee little thing and doesn't really understand how to hide. It's my job to teach him how to hide 'cuz I'm the older brother. I have to teach him lots of things. It's a BIG sponsability to have a little brother, you know. Chance copies everything I do. Sometimes we get into trouble. Then I have to sit on the Time Out Chair.  James says, "Monkey see, monkey do." We're not monkeys, we're bear cubs! Handsome ones, too.

We know a song about summer. It goes like this-

Sunny days
Oh, sunny, sunny, sunny days
Ain't nothin' better in the world, you know
Than lyin' in the sun with your radio.

Oh. Wait! Did you hear that? James is hollering, "Where are my handsome bear cubs? Where are my Sons of Windsor? Where are my Princes of Ontario? That's me! Charles! That's Chance! We're handsome bear cubs. We're Sons of Windsor and Princes of Ontario! We gotta go find James so we can get our ears tickled and our noses kissed. We're gonna go to the park and slide!  This is me, Charles the Bear Cub saying, "Be good citizens. Help with the chores around your house. Then you can eat Smarties and drink root beer. Oh! Wait! Come over to our house! We can play in the park together. Okay! Over and out!"

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