Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. I live on Sparkle Road with my buddy, James. Know what? We got a surprise. I opened the door to get the Windsor Star for James and there was a newborn cubby--in a basket--right on our doorstep! I want to keep him. He could be my little brother. I want a baby brother. I ask God for a baby brother when I say my bedtime prayers. I think God dropped him off at our door.
If we can keep him, I'd be the bestest brother. I'd teach him everything. I'd teach him to eat broccolis--even if they taste nasty--they're in the Canada Food Guide. I'm five. I get to eat Japanese food. I'll teach him to eat Japanese food when he's bigger. Oh. Wait. We have to give him a name if we get to keep him. What do you think we should name him? Okay, I have to go! We're gonna feed Cubby. He's so tiny he drinks condensed owls' milk out of a bottle. I wanna hold him. Did you ever hold a newborn cubby? Bye for now, this is me Charles the Bear Cub, saying 'over and out!'
I think "Cubby" should be your baby brother's name :)
I think his name should be Prince Hairy (Charles's son's name is Harry, right?)
My two cents.
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