Thursday, August 27, 2009

Grandfather Clock

Hi. I'm Charles the Bear Cub. You know me. I live with my buddy,Grandpa James, on Sparkle Road. I look after him 'cuz he's forgetful and old. He was the second Canadian to get off Noah's Ark. He must be 20! That's really old.

We're at the MiLL Tavern. Look at me! I climbed way up here on top of Grandfather Clock. I don't where the Grandmother Clock is. I don't know where the grandbaby clocks are. I'll ask Bill and Aggie. They own the place. I bet they know where the rest of the clock family is. We could all play together!

Grandfather Clock is really tall. When I was just a little cubby I couldn't climb this high. Clocks have hands, you know. The big hand is on the nine and the little hand is on the six. That means it's almost six o'clock. Oh! Six o'clock! I'd better get down from here and find Grandpa  James.

We're eating Greek food at the MiLL. I l-o-v-e skordalia and stuffed grape leaves. They're yummy. Know what? Yummy is one of the four food groups in the Canada Food Guide. Smarties are yummy. So is cheesecake. I hate brocollis and sauerkrauts. They're nasty. No one should have to eat anything that tastes nasty.

I hope you eat from all four food groups so you can be big and strong. Then you can ride your bike up and down Sandwich Street and climb trees and dig big holes and have fun. Okay! I gotta go eat. Oh.Wait. If you come down to the MiLL you can eat with us. I'll save you a place right next to me, okay?  Bye for now. Over and out!

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